Legal mentions
It is strongly recommended that you read all of these General Terms and Conditions carefully.
Wizz Factory se réserve le droit de modifier ou de mettre à jour à tout moment les présentes Conditions Générales d’Utilisation et sans accord préalable de l’Utilisateur. Il est donc conseillé à l’Utilisateur de se référer régulièrement à la dernière version des Conditions Générales d’Utilisation disponible en permanence sur le Site.
The purpose of the Site is to provide information and help concerning all KEEMIA activities, products, services and offers.
Access to the Site is made in particular from a computer, a telephone, a personal assistant or a mobile terminal connected to a telecommunications network according to the communication protocols used on the Internet network.
The User is informed that the cost of accessing and browsing the Site is at his sole expense.
Responsibility/information offered
The information published by KEEMIA and contained on the Site is non-contractual and provided for informational purposes, free of charge, and without any obligation on the part of KEEMIA, which may modify it without notice.
Wizz Factory s’efforce de fournir sur le Site des informations aussi précises que possible. Toutefois, Wizz Factory ne pourra être tenu pour responsable des omissions, des inexactitudes et des carences dans la mise à jour, qu’elles soient de son fait ou du fait des tiers Partenaires qui lui fournissent ces informations. L’Utilisateur est invité à vérifier toute information diffusée sur le Site auprès de sources officielles.
Copyright and intellectual property
This Site constitutes a work of which KEEMIA is the author within the meaning of articles L.111-1 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. All the elements contained in the Site and in the associated Sites are protected by national and international intellectual property law. Unless authorized in writing by KEEMIA, any use of works other than individual and private reproduction and consultation, in accordance with article L.122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code, is prohibited. Under no circumstances may these reproductions prejudice the rights of third parties.
Iconography: License: WEEZIO BORNES BY KEEMIA
Trademark rights
Names, names and signs of any kind (such as logos or figurative marks), the name of products and services that are cited or reproduced on advertising materials of any kind published on this Site by KEEMIA are the property of KEEMIA advertisers, Customers and Partners.
Therefore, no use, even partial, may be made of it by Users, nor any reproduction, representation or imitation, without the prior written permission of the owners of the brands mentioned. Any breach of this obligation constitutes the crime of counterfeiting, exposing the author to legal proceedings.
In addition, the name “KEEMIA” is a registered and protected trademark. Therefore, no reproduction, even partial, representation or imitation may be made without written permission from KEEMIA. Any breach of this obligation constitutes the crime of counterfeiting, exposing the author to legal proceedings.
Personal data
We invite you to consult our Confidentiality policy if you want to know more about the collection and processing of personal data carried out by KEEMIA in its capacity as data controller.
SAS with a capital of €45,734.71
RCS Bobigny 341 907 236
SIREN: 341 907 236
AREA: 341 907 236 002 42
11 bis Rabelais street, 93100 Montreuil
Tel: +33 (0) 1 43 79 57 57
Fax: +33 (0) 1 48 51 38 80
Publishing director
Guillaume Raguet
Guillaume Raguet
OVH SAS with a capital of €5,000,000
RCS Roubaix — Tourcoing: 424 761 419 00045
2, rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix — France
+33 (0) 8 99 70 17 61
Design and implementation