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Avec Weezio créez des communautés et interagissez avec elles​
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Creating and interacting with communities

Today, interacting with your consumers, your audience and your communities has become a strategic issue.Activation campaigns or promotional mechanisms must also be multi-channel and offer an engaging interaction.And in the era of the RGPD and the end of third-party cookies, the collection of qualified, consented, zero and first party data becomes essential to master your communication capacity.
Les campagnes d’activation ou mécaniques promotionnelles se doivent aussi d’être multicanales et offrir une interaction engageante.
Et à l’heure du RGPD et de la fin des cookies tiers, la collecte des données qualifiées, consenties, zéro et first party, devient essentiel pour maîtriser votre capacité de communication.

Avec Weezio décloisonnez les sujets pour une approche holistique​
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Decompartmentalize topics for a holistic approach

Creation of interactive experiences, gamification, omnichannel approaches, promotional mechanisms, data collection, data and consent management, personalization of courses, community animation,... So many needs and differences that must now, therefore, be able to be activated in a synchronized and perfectly coordinated manner.
Autant de besoins si différents qui doivent maintenant, donc, pouvoir être activés de manière synchronisée et parfaitement coordonnée.​

Why Weezio

Addressed by too many specialized actors, these expectations were very difficult to coordinate, especially at the operational and technological level. This is the result of this observation that the idea of Weezio was born: a platform capable of understanding these issues globally, in a single tool, so that everything is naturally synchronized, multi-channel, 360°... And therefore simpler, more responsive and more economical.
C’est de ce constat qu’est né l’idée de WEEZIO : une plateforme capable d’appréhender ces enjeux de manière globale, dans un unique outil, pour que tout soit naturellement synchronisé, multi canal, 360° ... Et donc plus simple, plus réactif et plus économique.

Création de trafic et de notoriété
Creation of traffic and reputation
Animation du PDV, Event et expérience client
Animation of the POS, Event and Customer Experience
Animation du PDV, Event et expérience client
Lead generation and data collection
Recrutement et fidélisation
Recruiting and retaining
L’innovation dans notre ADN pour une plateforme en évolution permanente​
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Innovation in our DNA for a platform in constant evolution

With more than 20 dedicated engineers and developers, the Weezio platform benefits from a capacity for innovation and evolution that allow it to be constantly listening to your expectations. For you, this is the guarantee of a tool capable of following marketing, technological and regulatory evolvements.And the assurance of a platform that will be able to support you even in your future expectations.

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The most complete integrated ecosystem at your service

The Weezio platform is connected to an integrated ecosystem that makes it possible to offer a complete operational service:
• Graphic Design Studio/Terminal Operator
•  Opérateur de bornes interactives​
•  Agence web & media digitaux
• POS digital printing and large formats
• Promotional logistics center
• Consulting agency
• Studio Gamification & digital experiences

The group

Logo Groupe Keemia

Weezio is a platform developed within the Keemia Group, a leader in brand activation and local marketing in France.

For 20 years, the group has supported more than 2,000 customers in the design and implementation of their communication and activation campaigns, both nationally and locally.

Salariés impliqués
Employees involved
12 Agences régionales
Regional agencies
2000 Clients partenaires
Partner customers
18 Millions de CA
Millions of turnover

Why Weezio?

A Professional Result Without Any Technical Skills
100% Autonomous and Accompanied at the Same Time
The only
truly phygital platform
Some of the most competitive pricing on the market
A Platform Where You Will Never Be Limited
The same platform for all your needs
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