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TRetail friend

Weezio was natively designed to take into account the particular needs specific to the Retail sector.
Weezio - La plateforme Retail friendly
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3 user levels​

Weezio's organization reflects your own organization. It integrates the mapping of your points of sale and your regional division. Your users have rights and reporting scope corresponding to their level and geographical coverage.
A multi-store franchisee can track its various stores.Many of Weezio's functionalities are indexed at these levels: accessible templates, freedom to modify, visibility, lower-level campaigns, etc.

Weezio - Vos campagnes personnalisées par point de vente ​
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Personalized campaigns by point of sale​

Create national “multi-point of sale” campaigns, using our content and journey personalization functions based on information or parameters specific to each point of sale.Associate your participants with your points of sale:
• Recognition by the web access URL
• Card recognition/loyalty ID/member
• Indication menus by the participant

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Autonomous local campaigns thanks to templates prepared by headquarters

With Weezio, point of sale managers finally have a suitable tool to create their own local campaigns easily and independently.
Head office marketing teams can create templates dedicated to this, defining which parts are locally adaptable or not.
In this way, you facilitate the work of local teams, while complementing compliance with common rules.

Votre programme de fidélité au cœur de Weezio​
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Your Loyalty Program at the Heart of Weezio​

CRM and loyalty programs are at the heart of your customer strategy.
Weezio is designed to natively integrate loyalty program logic into its campaigns:

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Dedicated courses
Pictogramme Cagnottage
Pictogramme Avantages
Pictogramme Personnalisation

Everything is done to make this integration simple, reliable and adaptable to all types of CRM & loyalty programs.

Weezio - Le mix Physique - Digital
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Retail is phygital,
Weezio is you!

The “Physical/Digital” mix is at the heart of today's retail challenges.
Weezio is the only solution precisely designed natively to be able to manage activation campaigns that live both at the point of sale and in the digital ecosystem.

Nos bornes de jeux
Points of Sale​
Terminals, screens and POS
Online web, appli et social
Web, App, and Social

Set up a campaign broadcast both online and in the gaming terminals of your points of sale all at once.
With common traffic management, data and common tracking.

Why Weezio?

A Professional Result Without Any Technical Skills
100% Autonomous and Accompanied at the Same Time
The only
truly phygital platform
Some of the most competitive pricing on the market
A Platform Where You Will Never Be Limited
The same platform for all your needs
Book a demo